Md. Saidur Rahman
Leading an international career; acquiring
a challenging position to boost professional growth; and providing highest results for employer utilizing my wide-ranging
academic qualifications (obtained from reputed local and overseas universities), professional expertise and practical experience
in diverse fields.
(First, Middle, Last) |
Md. Saidur Rahman |
Nick name |
Milan |
Date of birth |
December 16, 1973 |
Gender |
Male |
Marital Status |
Married |
Nationality |
Bangladesh |
Permanent Address |
Village: Paharpur, Post Office:
Hat Mozahar Ganj, Post Code: 6597
Upazilla: Atrai, District:
Naogaon, Bangladesh |
Contact Address |
Atlantic Topaz (Apartment No.
5A), 262 Elephant Road, Kataban Dhal, Dhaka 1205,
Bangladesh |
Mobile |
+ 88-01712 119998 |
E-mail |, |
Personal URL | |
· Outstanding academic background having Master of Engineering (major
in Transportation Engineering), Master of Business Administration (major in Marketing) and Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
degrees from reputed overseas and local universities. |
· About 10 years practical experience in the fields of infrastructure
& transportation, financial institution, and real estate sectors with major responsibilities of large-scale civil engineering
construction project management, planning, supervision, monitoring & implementation including procurement of goods, works
and consultant/contractor services, and store & inventory management; conducting techno-economical & financial feasibility
study, product promotion & marketing, housing loan counseling; and conducting
real estate surveys etc. |
· Excellent IT/computer skills with knowledge of operating systems;
word processing, relational database & spreadsheet; graphics, presentation & desktop publishing;
internet & web designs; programming languages; and a number of software & essential applications. |
· Self motivation with ability to work effectively in a multi-disciplinary
team within a matrix management environment as well as to deliver high quality outputs in a timely manner under heavy work
pressure. |
· Proven analytical and evaluative skills, including the ability
to independently produce well researched analyses and modeling on various issues/areas with background study analyzing the
collected field data and information organized to desired level by applying appropriate econometric, statistical and/or other
software and computer skills. |
· Diverse experience in technical as well as non-technical aspects
of various project planning, project synopsis, preparing of Project Proposals (PP) for Technical Assistance (TA) and other
GOB projects. |
· Strong written and verbal communication skills with ability to
prepare, present, and discuss findings in written and oral forms, and preparing high quality reports/documents. |
· Basic knowledge and understanding of Public Procurement Rule (PPR)
of Bangladesh Government; understanding of the World Bank’s procurement policies, processes & practices as applied
to diverse types of Bank Group procurement; and familiar with the procurement systems of Asian Development Bank (ADB). |
· Strong ability and inter-personal skills to establish and maintain
liaison with appropriate officials/personnel of different agencies/bodies from different cultural/national backgrounds; organizing
seminar/workshop/promotion fair etc. |
Date |
2006 – September 2008 |
Title of qualification
awarded |
of Engineering (Major in Transportation Engineering) by Thesis |
providing education |
Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation (IDEC)
Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan
Web: |
Thesis title |
“Understanding the Linkages of Travel Behavior with Socioeconomic Characteristics and Spatial Environments
in Dhaka City and Urban Transport Policy Applications”, under the supervision of Professor Akimasa Fujiwara, IDEC, Hiroshima University, Japan. |
Date |
2002 – October 2005 |
Title of qualification
awarded |
of Business Administration (Major in Marketing) by Thesis |
providing education |
University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Web: |
Thesis title |
"Re-orientation of Bangladesh Railway: A Market Integration Study", under the supervision of Professor M A Quddus, Department of Marketing,
University of Dhaka, Dhaka,
Bangladesh. |
Date |
1993 – August 1998 (Academic Session from 1991-92 to 1994-95) |
Title of qualification
awarded |
of Science in Civil Engineering by Thesis |
providing education |
Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology
(BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh
Web: |
Thesis title |
Analysis of Dhaka-Laksam Direct Railway Link”, under the supervision of Dr. Md. Moazzem Hossain, Professor,
Department of Civil Engineering, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
Date |
July 1989
– September 1991 |
Title of qualification
awarded |
Secondary Certificate (H.S.C.) |
providing education |
Govt. Degree College,
Bangladesh |
Subjects studied |
Literature/Grammar, English Literature/Grammar, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry Biology (Botany & Zoology). |
Date |
1984 – April 1989 |
Title of qualification
awarded |
School Certificate (S.S.C.) |
providing education |
R. M. High
Atrai, Naogaon, Bangladesh |
Subjects studied |
Literature/Grammar, English Literature/Grammar, General Mathematics, Higher Mathematics, General Sciences (Physics, Chemistry,
Botany, Zoology etc.), Religion, Geography, History, Agriculture etc. |
· Rahman, M. S. (2009), “Climate Change and Transport Policy:
Bangladesh Contexts”, Proceedings of the International Conference on “Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation
Strategies for Bangladesh” held at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh
on February 18-20, 2009. |
Rahman, M. S., Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J.
(2009), “The influence of socioeconomic characteristics and spatial environments on travel behavior in Dhaka city”, Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, the 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington,
D.C., USA., January 11-15, 2009. |
· Rahman, M. S.,
Fujiwara, A. and Zhang, J. (2008), “Development of Travel Mode Choice Models for Commuting Trips in Dhaka City”,
Proceedings of the International Conference and Workshop on “Sustainable Transport for Developing Countries (STDC2008)”
held at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh
on August 28-29, 2008. |
Rahman, M. S. (2008), “Future Mass Rapid Transit In Dhaka City: Options, Issues and Realities”, Jahangirnagar Planning Review, Vol. 6, June 2008, pp. 69-81, ISSN 1728-4198, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka,
Bangladesh, 2008. |
· Hossain, M. and Rahman, M. S. (2007), “Economic feasibility of Dhaka-Laksam direct railway link”, Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 35 (1), pp. 47-58, Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh, 2007. |
· "The Only Solution: A Mass Rapid Transport System to Transform Dhaka", Forum, a Monthly Publication of The Daily Star (the most popular National Daily English Newspaper of Bangladesh),
Vol. 3, Issue 3, March 2010.
· "Global Warming and Bangladesh: Paying
the price of others' sin?", The Daily Star (the most popular National Daily English Newspaper of Bangladesh), June
22, 2007. |
· “Dhaka: A Dangerous Urban Jungle”,
The Bangladesh Observer, March
14, 1999.
· “Troubled Traffic”, The Daily Star, March 25, 1999.
· “Traffic Congestion in Dhaka
City”, The Daily Ittefaq, May
21, 1999 (Bengali).
· “Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge & Traffic Problem”, The
Daily Independent, June 27, 1998. |
· Water Logging in Dhaka
City: Unplanned Urbanization”, The Daily Ittefaq, September 8, 1998 (Bengali).
· “Incremental Road Accident in Bangladesh”,
The Daily Bhorer Kagoj, May 09, 1998 (Bengali).
· “Doubling The Dhaka-Bhairab Railway Track”, The Daily Bhorer
Kagoj, March 02 & 04, 1998 (Bengali).
· “The Bridge of our Dream: Problems & Prospects”, The
Daily Muktokantha, June 21, 1998 (Bengali). |
· “Flood Damage and Maintenance of Roads”, The Daily Janakantha,
Kartik 16, 1405 (Bengali).
· “Traffic Congestion In Dhaka
City”, The Bangladesh
Observer, March 28, 1998.
· “Doubling The Railway Track”, The Bangladesh
Observer, November 25, 1997.
· “Dhaka-Bhairab Railway Track”, The Daily Star, November 25, 1997. |
· Operating System:
MS Windows (95, 98, 2000, XP, Vista)
· Word Processing, Relational Database & Spreadsheet: MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access, Crystal Report, & familiar with Oracle.
· Software & Packages: SPSS 16.0, TSP 5.0, LIMDEP 8.0, TransCAD, ArcGIS, MapInfo, Stata 10, Amos 5.0, AutoCADD, LEAP, JICA STRADA 3 and familiar
with EMME/2 & ELM.
· Graphics, Presentation & Desktop Publishing: MS Power Point, Publisher, Image Composer, Adobe Photo Shop, Paint, MS Photo Editor, Illustrator, PageMaker,
Paint-Shop-Pro, Movie Maker.
· Internet & Web Deigns: Macromedia Dreamweaver, MS Front Page, Share Point Web, Macromedia Flash.
· Programming
Language: Matlab, HTML, MS Visual Basic 6.0, FORTRAN 14.0 and familiar with JAVA.
Dates |
May 2003 - Current |
Occupation or position
held |
· Deputy Project Director
[Present position]
World Bank Funded Technical
Assistance Project (for Bangladesh
Railway Modernization Project) Rail Bhaban, Dhaka
Tel.: 88-02-7168454
· Began as Assistant Executive Engineer (Trainee) in May 2003 and served as Assistant
Executive Engineer, Dual Gauge Project, Dhaka (February 2004 – January 2006); Assistant
Executive Engineer/In-Charge, Saidpur, Nilphamary (February 2006 – November 2008); and lastly promoted to Deputy
Project Director in December 03, 2008. |
Main activities and
responsibilities |
· Deputy Project Director: Assisting directly to the Project Director
for the preliminary preparation works of the “Technical Assistance for Feasibility Study, Safeguard Policy Study, Detailed
Engineering Design and Tendering Services for Projects under World Bank (WB) Funding for Bangladesh Railway Project”
including office management, procurement of office equipments, hiring of office personnel, preparing tender documents, finalizing/revising
the Technical Assistance Project Proposal (TAPP) including its Terms and Reference (TOR) and preparing other necessary documents
of the project such as ‘Request for Expression of Interest (REOI)’ and ‘General Procurement Notice (GPN)’
as per WB Guidelines, maintaining liaison with different agencies including project funding authority (WB) and project approval
bodies of the Government; and overall supervision and monitoring the works of consultants to be appointed for the project. |
· Assistant Executive Engineer/In-Charge: Supervision and monitoring of
civil construction/repairing works including procurement of goods, works and contractors for works (residential/office buildings,
connecting/feeder roads, culverts etc.); railway estate management and leasing/licensing; construction of connecting/feeder
roads; preparing of cost estimates, technical specifications, tender notice and bid documents for new construction and repairing
civil works, etc.
Moreover, pursuing higher studies (Master
of Engineering) at Hiroshima University, Japan
under deputation from July 2006 to September 2008. |
· Assistant Executive Engineer: Supervision & monitoring the construction
works of the “Dhaka-Joydebpur Dual Gauge Project”, a 37-km long rail-road project of converting Single Meter Gauge
into Dual Gauge (Broad Gauge and Meter Gauge) railway track including construction/conversion of large & small bridges, embankments; construction retaining wall and guide bunds for river training; treatment of soil
(black-cotton soil) for embankment construction and hard bed preparation; construction of drainages, sewerage lines, station-yards,
platforms etc. ; procurement of material (heavy Steel bridge Girders, stone ballast, sleepers etc.), store management, etc.
Taking a 4-months Civil Service Basic Training
– ‘Foundation Training’ from Bangladesh
Public Administration
Training Center
(PATC), Savar, Dhaka and overseas professional training on Steel Girder
procurement and installation. |
· Assistant Executive Engineer (Trainee): Attached with Railway Training
Academy (RTA), Halishahar, Chittagong and different Departments and Divisions of Bangladesh Railway for Foundation and Field
Training on various aspects of civil construction works; tendering services; procurement of goods, works & contractors;
human resource management; office management; train operation etc. |
Employer |
Rail Bhaban, 16
Abdul Gani Road, Dhaka 1000
Web: |
Type of business or
sector |
The single largest Government-owned and Government-managed Transportation
organization in Bangladesh |
Dates |
September 2001 - May 2003 |
Occupation or position
held |
Counselor (Marketing & Engineering Desk) |
Main activities and
responsibilities |
Assessing technical
and financial viability of construction projects (especially the real estate projects including lands, apartments, houses
etc.) for financing; independently carrying out the marketing and promotional activities
for housing loans and deposit schemes; keeping liaison with real estate developers; participating in different meetings and
conducting seminars & training programs on housing loan processing for sales personnel of real estate developers. |
Employer |
National Housing Finance And Investments Limited
National Plaza (7th Floor), Sonargaon Road,
1/G Free School Street, Dhaka 1205
(88-02)-9669800 |
Type of business or
sector |
Principal non-bank financial institution of the country |
Dates |
June 2001 - September 2001 |
Occupation or position
held |
Program Officer |
Main activities and
responsibilities |
Conducting a large scale survey on
real estate sector of Bangladesh; organizing 1st
REHAB Housing Fair 2001 at Hotel Sheraton, Dhaka |
Employer |
Real Estate
& Housing Association of Bangladesh (REHAB)
National Plaza (6th Floor), Sonargaon Road,
1/G Free School Street, Dhaka 1205
Tel.: (88-02)-9662482, 9669897
Web: |
Type of business or
sector |
The apex body of real estate and construction companies of the country |
Dates |
November 1998 – May 2001 |
Occupation or position
held |
Assistant Engineer |
Main activities and
responsibilities |
Supervision &
monitoring of real estate construction projects; providing high quality supports for analytical and advisory activities and
independently perform analytical tasks relating to on-going & up-coming projects, procurement status reports & inventory
management, schedule forecasts; assisting Managing Director and Chief Engineer in different planning issues of a project providing
analytical information & project synopsis reports; preparing of project proposal (PP), bid documents & bill of quantity
(BOQ); design checking and mix design analysis etc. |
Employer |
(Pvt.) Ltd.
Sheltech Tower, 55 West Panthapath, Dhaka 1205
Web: |
Type of business or
sector |
Reputed & pioneer real estate (housing construction & land development) company of Bangladesh. |
· Japanese Language Courses: Attended a 399-hours training
program on Japanese Language Courses organized by Japan International Cooperation Center (JICE) in Bangladesh and Japan during
the period of April 2006 - September 2006. |
· Overseas Professional Training: Attended a Training Program on
Manufacturing Process & Installation Procedure of Railway Bridge Girder at Kolkata, India
organized by TEXMACO, India for 15 days (December 2005) as
an assignment of Bridge Girder Procurement from India for
Dual Gauge Project of Bangladesh Railway. |
· Civil Service Basic Training: Attended a 4-months intensive
training program, the 33rd "Foundation Training Courses (FTC)", arranged for Bangladesh Civil Servants, organized
by Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center (BPATC), Savar, Dhaka held from June 20, 2004 to October 17,
2004 at BPATC, Savar, Dhaka.
Training on Rural Development: Attended this attachment training program of BPATC, held from August 28, 2004 to September 02, 2004 at Rural Development Academy (RDA), Bogra.
Special Light Driving Training Program: Attended this special training program of BPATC,
held from August 01, 2004 to August 18, 2004 at BPATC under the supervision of Bangladesh Road Transport
Corporation (BRTC), Gazipur. |
· Railway Professional Training: Attended "Foundation Training
Courses" (held from June 14, 2003 to October 23, 2003), "Field Training Courses" (October 24, 2003 to
February 09, 2004), and "Final Training Courses" (October 25, 2004 to December 02, 2004) on basic professional
courses covering various aspects of civil engineering works (especially supervision and monitoring the construction of rail-road,
bridge, culvert, embankments, buildings and related infrastructures) including project management, project planning, tendering
services, procurement of goods & services, human resource management, office management, train operation etc., arranged
for Bangladesh Railway Officials, organized by Bangladesh Railway Training Academy, Halishahar, Chittagong during the
period of June 2003 - December 2004. |
Service Marketing: Attended a 3-days
training program on "Service Marketing" organized jointly by Bangladesh Institute of Marketing & Research
(BIMR) and East-West University, Dhaka, held on from May 06-08, 2002 at East-West University, Dhaka. |
JAVA Programming: Attended a
course on "JAVA Programming" organized by BUET Computer Center, BUET, Dhaka held from September
9, 2000 to November 14, 2000 |
Visual Basic Programming:
Attended a computer language programming
training course on "Visual Basic 6.0" organized by BUET Computer Center at BUET, Dhaka held from July 8, 2000 to September 5, 2000. |
· Photography: Attended a 3-days workshop on "Professional
Photography" organized by BUET Photography Association from November
3-5, 1998 at BUET, Dhaka |
· “Stated Preference (SP) and Revealed Preference Surveys on Travel
Behavior in Dhaka
City”, conducted under the supervision of Professor Akimasa Fujiwara,
the Graduate School for International
Development and Cooperation (IDEC), Hiroshima University, Japan
during January-February, 2007 and July-August, 2007. |
· “Extensive studies on the rural socioeconomic condition of Bangladesh
(Village Studies)” jointly organized by Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center (BPATC), Savar, Dhaka
and Rural Development Academy (RDA), Bogra, Bangladesh
in 2004. |
· Questionnaire Survey on the “Feasibility of Light Rail Transit in Dhaka City” conducted under the supervision
of Dr. Md. Jobair Bin Alam, Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, BUET, Dhaka. |
· "Jamuna
Multipurpose Bridge Traffic Count Survey” jointly organized by JMBA & BUET under the supervision of the
Transportation & Traffic Engineering Cell, BUET headed by Dr. Muhammad Zakaria, Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering,
BUET, Dhaka 1000. |
· “Extensive Survey on Educational Institutions” (Non-Government Colleges, High Schools and up to Kamil
i.e. Master’s level Madrasas) held from May 01, 1993 to June 20, 1993 organized by Bangladesh Bureau of Educational
Information and Statistics (BANBEIS), Ministry of Education, Bangladesh. |
· “Scope and Prospects of Real Estate, Housing & Construction
Industry of Bangladesh”,
a comprehensive report based on extensive survey work on the Real Estate and Housing sector of Bangladesh
under the hood of REHAB (Real Estate & Housing Association of Bangladesh) in 2001. |
· “Flood Damage Assessment in and around Dhaka City (aftermaths of
1998 Floods in Bangladesh)”, a report based on an extensive survey work on the flood damage assessment of roadway
network of Dhaka City after the Flood of 1998 conducted under the supervision of Dr. Moazzem Hossain, Professor, Department
of Civil Engineering, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh in 1998 |
· Attended the International Workshop on “Development Within A Low Carbon World: Preparing Professionals for Post-Kyoto Negotiations and
Sustainable Growth Policies” held at Hiroshima, Japan during 05 ~21 August 2009 and jointly organized by Hiroshima University,
Japan and University of Texas
at Austin, USA. |
· Attended the International Conference on “Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Strategies for Bangladesh” held at Bangladesh
University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh
on February 18-20, 2009
and presented research paper on “Climate Change and Transport Policy: Bangladesh Contexts”
in the conference. |
· Attended the “International Conference and Workshop on Sustainable Transport for Developing Countries (STDC 2008)” held at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh on August 28-29, 2008 and presented
research paper on “Development of Travel Mode Choice Models for Commuting Trips in Dhaka City”
in the conference. |
· Participated in the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Scholarship
Seminar on “Citizens’ participation in city management and services” held at JICA Yokohama (July
31 to August 07, 2007) and presented paper on “Regional Development: Formulating Partnership in Yokohama
City Development” on 06 August 2007in
the seminar. |
· Attended the “Asian Mayors' Policy Dialogue for the Promotion of Environmentally
Sustainable Transport (EST) in Cities” jointly organized by the United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD),
the ASEAN Working Group on Environmentally Sustainable Cities (AWGESC), the Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan,
and the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) on 23-24 April 2007, in Kyoto, Japan. |
· Participated in the “International Conference on Civil and Environment
Engineering (ICCEE) 2007” as Panelist held at Hiroshima University,
Japan on October 11 -12, 2007. |
· Attended the 6th 21st Century Center of Excellence (COE) International Symposium on
"Social Capacity Development for Environmental Management and International
Cooperation" at Tokyo on 27 November, 2007 |
· Attended the seminar on “Global Environmental Leader (GEL) Education
Program for Designing a Low-Carbon Society” held at IDEC, Hiroshima University,
Japan on August 25, 2008 |
Attended a number of “IDEC-Asia International
Seminars” on different issues related to developing countries held at IDEC, Hiroshima
University, Japan during 2006 to 2008. |
Mother Tongue |
Bengali |
Other Languages |
English, Fluent |
Other Languages |
Japanese, Level II completed |
· Japan Government Grant Aid for Human Resource Development Scholarship (JDS) 2006
· Best Writing Award, The Daily Bhorer Kagoj (1997)
· Technical Scholarship, BUET
· University Merit Stipend, BUET 1st Term
· Board Scholarships (Both SSC & HSC Examinations)
· Best Student (HSC'91) of the College, New Govt. Degree
College, Rajshahi
· Best Student (SSC'89) of the Upazilla, Atrai Upazilla, Naogaon
· Best Student of the School, Dwipchandpur Govt. Primary and Dwipchandpur R.M. High School, Naogaon
· Junior Scholarship in Talentpool (placed first) in 1986
· Primary Scholarship in
· Member, Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB)
· Member, Dhaka University MBA Association (DUMA)
· Member, Bangladesh Civil Service (Railway : Engineering) Cadre Association, Dhaka
· Member, BUET Alumni Association, Dhaka.
· Life Member, IDEC Alumni Association,
· Traveling
· Photography
· Internet browsing
· Watching TV
· Meeting people of different socio-cultural backgrounds
· Making Friendship